Anphis Analyzes Catalan Electricity Grid

🔌 Awarded the service of monitoring the saturation of the low voltage electricity grid for the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

This summer our team has been working on analyzing 21 areas of Catalonia (dependent on 141 distribution centers) in which high saturation measurements had been detected, highlighting the need for a deep and rigorous analysis to guarantee the continuity and quality of the electrical service.

🎯 Objective of the work: to analyze if the electricity grid is adequate to guarantee the continuity of the service and its quality. We have identified the critical saturation points in the network, determining if the existing infrastructures are sufficient to support current and future demands.

🛠️ We are in the final phase of the conclusions report, which will provide a detailed technical vision of the networks involved and will serve as a starting point for the proposal of improvements and adjustments necessary for the correct operation of the service.

🏆 This contract reinforces Anphis' experience in engineering work linked to control and analysis, in line with the management, optimization and energy efficiency projects we are working on. A sample of our commitment to sustainability and the proper use of energy resources, this time supporting the Servei d'Autorització, Inspecció i Control d'Instal·lacions de la Xarxa Elèctrica (SAICI) of the DGE (Direcció General d'Energia).

🔋 We continue!

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